
Zu Besuch in einer Butter-Manufaktur

Der Koch Ludo Lefebvre hat für den YouTube-Channel Mind of a Chef die Jean-Yves Bordier Butter factory in Frankreich besucht. Dort lernt er, dass das Herstellen von Butter eher was mit Philosophie als mit Handwerk zu tun hat.

Any French chef can tell you that the foundation of their cuisine is butter. So when we visited the Jean-Yves Bordier Butter factory in the Brittany region of France and had chef Ludo Lefebvre help in the process, it was nothing but pure amazement in his eyes. Le Beurre Bordier customizes it’s butter to the specifications of the chefs they send it to. Chef Ludo Lefebvre learns first hand how it’s done. Watch a full 5 minutes worth of butter heaven, you won’t believe it…

Bordier Butter with Chef Ludo Lefebvre

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//via Sploid//

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