
The Pizza Show Episode 6: Los Angeles

Wenn ich an Pizza und USA denke, dann kommen mir sofort New York oder Chicago in den Sinn. aber Los Angeles? Hatte ich da nicht so wirklich auf dem Schirm. Zum Glück haben die feinen Leute von Munchies mit der Pizza Show (die anderen 5 Episoden gibt es hier) eine Runde durch die örtlichen Pizzerien gedreht:

Los Angeles might not be known as a pizza city, but our host Frank Pinello is ready to show you why it should be. The West Coast doesn’t have a set of pizza „rules“ as strict as New York’s, so their freedom to experiment with toppings and style translates into delicious and unique pizza. From BBQ chicken pizza at California Pizza Kitchen to smoked salmon pizza at Spago, California pizza is all about the toppings. Los Angeles‘ food scene is diverse and delicious—and so is its pizza.

The Pizza Show: Los Angeles

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