
So wird Zimt geernet

Zimt Ernte Werkzeug

Ich bin persönlich kein großer Zimt-Fan. Ich fand die 2 Minuten kurze Doku von Foodie, die uns zeigt, wie Zimt geerntet wird, aber trotzdem ziemlich interessant. The more you know…

One of the most beloved spices in the world, Cinnamon is actually the dried and curled up inner bark of one of several varietals of trees in the genus Cinnamomum.

Cassia Cinnamon is one of those varietals and the majority of it grows in the lush Kerenci Valley on the island of Sumatra in Indonesia. It’s a sustainable crop that has been harvested in more or less the same way for centuries.

Come along as we show you how the inner bark of the tree is harvested and dried to form this incomparable spice loved around the world.

Cinnamon: Harvesting Cassia in the Jungles of Sumatra

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//via Sploid//

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