Musik & Film

Kurz-Doku: Havana Bikes

Havanna Bikes

Sehr sehenswerte Kurz-Doku über Fahrräder in Kuba und vor allem die Menschen, die dafür sorgen, dass die Räder nutzbar bleiben. In Kuba sind Ersatzteile für Fahrräder nämlich Mangelware.

Cuba underwent a bicycle revolution in the 1990s during its five year ‘Special Period’. Oil was scarce as a result of tough economic constraints, and throughout those years of austerity, bicycles where introduced as an alternative mode of transport. Thousands of Cubans used bicycles on a regular basis, as pedalling became the norm on the island.

Years later, the transportation crisis subsided and motorised vehicles returned, and the country’s bicycle culture took a hit. Now, new bikes are difficult to come by and parts are not readily available, yet many Cubans still use bicycles daily and, despite the limited resources, a handful of mechanics provide a service to those who rely on their bikes in their everyday lives.

Plenty of cyclists roam the streets of Havana and the rest of Cuba. Ángel, a typical bike riding Habanero, provides a brief insight into Cuban bicycle culture and the importance of bike mechanics in the capital as we come across both riders and repairmen.

Die ziemlich ausführliche Story dazu gibt es übrigens hier:

//via Ronny//

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