Die wundervolle Made by Hand Mini-Doku-Serie hatte ich schon 2012 hier bei mir im Blog. Damals gab es nur vier Teile: The Distiller, The Knife Maker, The Beekeeper und The Cigar Shop.
Letztes Jahr wurde aber noch ein 5. Film veröffentlicht, den ich gerade entdeckt habe und euch nicht vorenthalten möchte: The Bike Maker
Our fifth film turns to bike maker Ezra Caldwell (Fast Boy Cycles), who was diagnosed with cancer in 2008. When the cancer threatens to shatter his love of bikes, Ezra survives by documenting his illness as thoroughly as his craft.
Daniel Ezra Caldwell died at home on May 24, 2014, after six years with cancer. He was cared for by his wife Hillary and other family and friends, with the support of the hospice team from the Visiting Nurse Service of New York.
Kurz-Doku: Made by Hand – The Bike Maker http://t.co/FMr0dlQ8sf // http://t.co/Hn0IPr02c8
Tipp! RT @GillyBerlin: Kurz-Doku: Made by Hand – The Bike Maker http://t.co/UjMg576zJL // http://t.co/c3PdseFq9p