Falls es euch wie mir geht, dass ihr euch einfach besser fühlt, wenn immer irgendwas nebenher läuft, dann sind diese 6 Videos hier genau das Richtige für euch. 10 Stunden wundervolle Aufnahmen von der BBC, die euch entspannte Geräusche teilweise sanfte Musik und Szenen von Orten der ganzen Welt bringen und das sogar in FullHD!
Mountain Sounds:
Sit back, relax and enjoy the fourth in our series of Planet Earth II visual soundscapes. As part of the Real Happiness Project we want to take you on a journey through some of the most stunning mountainscapes on earth. Fly above the peaks and immerse yourself in this elevated, sky-kissing habitat. All footage used was filmed by the Planet Earth II camera teams whilst out on location.
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Island Sounds:
Sit back, relax and enjoy the third in our series of Planet Earth II visual soundscapes. As part of the Real Happiness Project we want to take you on a journey over some of the most rugged islandscapes on earth. as you glide over where land meets ocean immerse yourself in this vivid habitat. All footage used was filmed by the Planet Earth II camera teams whilst out on location.
Das Video wird erst geladen, wenn du auf den Play-Button klickst. YouTube-Datenschutzerklärung
Jungle Sounds:
Sit back, relax and enjoy the second in our series of Planet Earth II visual soundscapes. As part of the Real Happiness Project we want to take you on a journey through some of the most stunning jungles on earth. Fly above the trees and immerse yourself in this lush, dank and textured habitat. All footage used was filmed by the Planet Earth II camera teams whilst out on location.
Das Video wird erst geladen, wenn du auf den Play-Button klickst. YouTube-Datenschutzerklärung
Desert Sounds:
Sit back, relax and enjoy the first in our series of Planet Earth II visual soundscapes. As part of the Real Happiness Project we want to take you on a journey through some of the most stunning desert landscapes on earth. Fly with the eagles and immerse yourself in this beautiful, scorched and textured habitat. All footage used was filmed by the Planet Earth II camera teams whilst out on location.
Das Video wird erst geladen, wenn du auf den Play-Button klickst. YouTube-Datenschutzerklärung
Grassland Sounds:
Sit back, relax and enjoy the 5th in our series of Planet Earth II visual soundscapes. As part of the Real Happiness Project we want to take you on a journey through some of the most stunning grassland landscapes on earth. Fly above the plains and immerse yourself in this fertile habitat. All footage used was filmed by the Planet Earth II camera teams whilst out on location.
Das Video wird erst geladen, wenn du auf den Play-Button klickst. YouTube-Datenschutzerklärung
City Sounds:
Sit back, relax and enjoy the 6th in our series of Planet Earth II visual soundscapes. As part of the Real Happiness Project we want to take you on a journey through some of the most stunning urban landscapes on earth. Fly above the highrises and immerse yourself in this man made wonderland. All footage used was filmed by the Planet Earth II camera teams whilst out on location.
Das Video wird erst geladen, wenn du auf den Play-Button klickst. YouTube-Datenschutzerklärung
//via Sploid//