Musik & Film

Chicago Nacht-Time-Lapse: Windy City Nights III

Max Wilson hat hat mit Windy City Nights III (Teil I und II findet ihr hier) mal wieder ein umwerfend schönes Zeitraffer-Video aus Chicago geliefert. Wie schon in den ersten beiden Videos überzeugt auch der dritte Teil mit exzellenten Aufnahmen und einem sehr stimmigen Color Grading.

Windy City Nights III is a personal timelapse piece and part of a larger overall project called the “Chicago Timelapse Project” which is a continuation of showcasing Chicago and for a love of night time city photography. One of the things I have always wanted to do was to combine some of my favorite and memorable shots from previous projects and mix them with new shots. This is what you get with Windy City Nights III. It’s a culmination of photography work in Chicago at night for the past 5 years. My focus has always been on the city skyline and the architecture of the buildings.

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