
Fernweh: Mit der Drohne über und durch Los Angeles

Los Angeles Drohne

Einige Teile der Stadt der Engel kenne ich dank GTA 5 mittlerweile fast besser als Berlin 😀 – Das folgende Video zeigt LA in seiner ganzen Pracht mit tollen Kameradrohnen-Aufnahmen und paart die üblichen Sehenswürdigkeiten mit Aufnahmen von den schönsten Murals. Da möchte man eigentlich sofort einen Flug buchen…

This is the city-wide follow up to my aerial exploration of downtown Los Angeles from last year ( And much like with downtown, I continue to be awe struck by how much of this vast city I have partially or completely overlooked before undertaking this video. And like most voyages of discovery, I’ve realize there’s so much more to find.

Packing it all into one short-form video has been nigh impossible and much didn’t make it for safety, privacy or simply because I couldn’t make it 30 minutes long! Notably missing are: LAX Theme Building, both Gettys, some Lautner homes, numerous beautiful buildings, the Gabba gallery, many murals that vanished before I got to them, and much of downtown featured in last year’s video.

A map of the locations is here:

//via Arch Daily//

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