
Fernweh: Shichi Go San Tokyo

Shichi Go San Tokyo

Und wieder ein schöner Reisefilm aus Tokio. Viele tolle Aufnahmen aus dem Tokioter Alltag und vom Shichi-Go-San-Fest einer der hektischsten, wenn nicht sogar der hektischsten Stadt der Welt von Gunther Machu.

Tokyo, a fascinating place to be. It has so many different sides, a busy one, a quiet, peaceful one, a highly modern but also a very traditional one. I was lucky when I visited Tokyo on the weekend of November 15th last year that on this day the Shichi-Go-San festival took place at the Meiji Jingu Shrine in Tokyo. It is a traditional rite of passage and festival day in Japan for three- and seven-year-old girls and three- and five-year-old boys, held annually on November 15 to celebrate the growth and well-being of young children.

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