
Fernweh: A Day In: Los Angeles

Venice Beach

Los Angeles. Stadt der Engel. Steht auf der To-Do-Liste. Cody Autterson lebt dort und fasst seine Eindrücke in zweieinhalb Minuten zusammen. Man beachte vor allem die unglaublich cleveren Übergänge zwischen den Szenen.

Here is a 2-minute short film created throughout a day in Los Angeles. With nothing but our cameras, we dashed around the city going to as many landmarks as possible. Having lived in Los Angeles for a number of years now, we wanted to show everyone that it’s not all about traffic and smog. – Los Angeles truly is a beautiful city. In the age of short attention spans we want to share our love for L.A with our generation. Enjoy.

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Music:Radical Face . Welcome Home, Son

//via Electru / Foto CC by David Negstad//

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