Musik & Film

Kurz-Doku über Bienenstöcke in Hong Kong

Kurz-Doku über Bienenstöcke in Hong Kong

Alle reden über das Bienensterben, aber kaum jemand tut was dagegen. Nicht so Michael Leung, der in Hong Kong Bienenstöcke betreibt, Imker miteinander vernetzt den Leuten die Vorteile von lokalem Honig näher bringt und so deutlich macht, dass Bienen auch prima in einer Großstadt leben können.

Hong Kong is home to more than 7 million people. Amongst the high rise apartments, product designer Michael Leung founder of HK Honey, has created his own space bringing nature back into the metropolis one box at a time.
HK Honey is an organisation of Hong Kong beekeepers, artists & designers who aim to communicate the value of bees to the human food chain & the benefits of locally produced honey. With a network of bee farms and a design studio, Michael and HK Honey harvest local honey & design products and services relating to urban beekeeping.

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