Das ist ziemlich beeindruckend! ProjectOneLife tanzte 100 Tage lang zum Song ‚Canned Heat‘ von Jamiroquai und hat daraus ein Time-Lapse-Video gemacht. Warum? Weil es auf seiner Bucket List stand (darum geht’s auch auf seinem YouTube-Kanal).
Technically it was around 120 something days but 100 days sounds better. I had a GoPro camera set up on my cabinet and i just recorded myself doing the same dance routine every day. I wanted to do something along the lines of take a picture of myself everyday for a year but different. I eventually came up with the idea of 100 days of dance, I really didnt want to do this for a year so i thought 100 days seemed pretty good. The reason this was on the bucket list was because i thought it was a really cool, unique idea that i came up with and i wanted to make sure i saw it through, so i popped it on the bucket list to guarantee that i would complete it. Overall it was pretty fun dancing everyday and this was one of my more unique ideas and i’m pretty glad how it turned out.
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//via Reddit//
Genial! #timelapse “@GillyBerlin: … Typ tanzt 100 Tage zu einem Jamiroquai-Song http://t.co/Ia6urTbHKj // http://t.co/3iMqCjaCUh”
[…] via Gilly […]
[…] natürlich Matt Bray von ProjectOneLife. Vielleicht erinnert ihr euch an dieses Video von ihm: 100 Days of Dance – Typ tanzt 100 Tage zu einem Jamiroquai-Song. Diesmal hat er sein Zimmer verlassen und tanzt an 100 Orten. Ziemlich clever […]