
Nick Offerman rezitiert Duschgedanken

Bildschirmfoto 2014-08-21 um 10.57.40

Der großartige Nick Offermann rezitiert Posts eines meiner Lieblings-Subreddits: /r/Showerthoughts – Die Sachen da ziehen ich mir fast jeden Abend rein und sitze dann da ganz oft: „Bämm Mind Blown!“

Nick Offerman, with all his grizzled wisdom and vocal gravitas, sat down to share the most profound things ever pondered in a shower.

The tidbits of brilliance originated on r/ShowerThoughts, a subreddit awash with soapsuds-covered cleverness.

If you enjoyed this video, please check out the r/ShowerThoughts Charity: water campaign and donate:

Simply Genius Shower Thoughts with Nick Offerman | Mashable

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//via Mashable//

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